Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Brevity is the Soul of (T)wit(ter)


One of the most frustrating things about writing this blog on a consistent basis is that sometimes I get stuck in my own head. I have tons of stories to tell but somewhere along the line I get stuck. What confounds me however is that I have no problem when it comes to expressing myself on Twitter.

For those of you that don't follow me...I have been told...that some of my Tweets are pretty funny. Oh my handle is @Msorvam..ya case you're interested. I read an article not too long ago titled "How Twitter Makes You a Better Writer" and I read it with great interest. The main gist of the article is that the 140 character limit on Twitter really forces you to "make it count" as it were. I admit that I had resisted using Twitter at first because I thought, there was NO WAY I could express my deepest, innermost thoughts on Twitter. Well I surprised myself and now find that I use it on a daily basis.

Anyway..just to give you an update...I've been really busy making moves both literally and figuratively. Aside from doing my usual dance classes in my goal to achieve fitness, I've also made the necessary moves to re-locate. By this weekend I should be ensconced in my new abode. I expect to be in a "better space" to write and be alone with my thoughts and hopefully write more stuff.

Thanks for reading..all...9..wait..lemee see..yeah still 9 of you!



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