Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tiger Tiger Burning Bright

So Tiger Woods is delivered a carefully worded Mea Culpa today. He had carefully chosen members of the media and family and friends in the audience. He apologized for having cheated on his wife blah blah blah. He reclaimed his Buddhist roots...cried a few tears and hugged his blinged out mama.. Oh and let's not forget the shout out to Accenture (Yeah..keep it classy Tiger).Really interrupted The Price is Right or The View for this????It was an embarassment. Seriously..who does Tiger owe an apology to???? His wife...that's it!!! . Maybe his mama too. But you know who should be apologizing??? His friends!! Yep..his friends. The same friends that enabled him to carry on the way he was all these years. The friends that bought plane tickets for his little girlfriends to help Tiger cover up his tracks. The same friends that probably were all up in Elin Woods her home..with their kids. Can you imagine the sense of betryal she felt? Can you blame her for not attending the press conference that had Tiger's "friends" in the audience. I don't know about you..but I would've caught a case!!! I know that a lot of people will say " know you really can't blame his friends because they were probably on Tiger's payroll." Yes..I can blame them because they were just as duplicitous. If any of them had any balls they would've told Tiger to fuck off. But I guess the almighty dollar is stronger than helping a guy keep his marriage vows. Yes, I know it's not Tiger's friends responsibility to keep him on the right track. But when your friends are arranging for you to meet with your skank of the week..then they are still just as guilty. On a side note: someone please tell me why gays can't get married again??? Because clearly the straights are doing a bang up job.

My take on infidelity is that that happens. In Tiger's case he has the luxury of money and opportunity and he took it. We've seen this story play out time and time again (Rich Horny guy + dumb slut = scandal) He should've taken his late fathers' advice to not get married before the age of 35. His father was an adulterer too so he knew what he spoke of. Do we know why Tiger cheated? No. Do we/should we care???!

So..Tiger your apology is not only not wasn't really needed. But good luck with embracing your newly found belief in know that's Buddhism not BOOTYISM..right?

1 comment:

  1. Talk about kicking a man when he's down. One could argue that Tiger is the true victim. Needless to say, all he has to do is win a major golf tournament and he's back on the worlds good side. Kids don't care about golf the way they care about baseball, his whole fan base are grown men who are likely telling their wives they're out golfing to get some ass, anyway. There's no missing body, there's no missing money. Things would die down if he just let it.
