Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back to Life..Back to Reality

In the past few weeks my empty nester syndrome is now a comfortable feeling that I'm settling into. But I've been so busy these past few weeks..that I really haven't had a chance to enjoy the emptiness of my nest.

Since my son's been gone..I've been working longer hours..taking African Dance class....going to concerts...seeing friends.....went to Martha's Vineyard...celebrated my birthday. It's been quite a few hectic weeks with no signs of slowing down.

This week I've been staying at my parents place to look after my mother while my father is in Vegas. As much as I love and adore my mother, I miss my place, the emptiness of it. I miss waking up to Matt Lauer..shuffling to my coffee machine. Putting in too much Bustelo as is my custom, talking back to the TV (Although if Ann Coulter is on, forget about the coffee..that witch makes me wanna scream). But you get the picture. My rituals have been disrupted and I am feeling a bit discombobulated because of it.

This morning when I briefly returned to my apartment for a minute, I added to an already growing stack of magazines that are piling up on my sofa I day dreamed for a minute me being able to sit with a cup of coffee..and those magazines and the stillness of my place. But then my phone rang it was my father wanting to see if my mother had taken all her medications. Snapped back to reality.

Now..where did I put my mace....



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